Friday, April 27, 2012

Cuba, 2012, Day Six and Seven

Tuesday would be our last day in Pedro Betancourt. We visited another mission, our ninth in 5 days, and would conclude the day in the church with a Bible study. I spoke on John 15, encouraging the church to "remain" in Jesus, as He instructs us, and that we can "do nothing" apart from Him.

As we closed the service, Parks and I were given the opportunity to share a last word with the congregation. We shared with them how blessed we were to have been with them and how Hope UMC prays for them regularly.

Dezi, one of the mission leaders, was intentional about telling us how much she loved us and how thankful she was for our visit. And I took the time to speak to Janni, the young woman who expressed some emotion when sharing about her leadership of her mission, now that she was on her own and did not have Annia to co-lead with her. I told her that God does not call the equipped, but that He equips the called and that I could see God's hand on her life. I also told her I would pray for her protection while she leads her mission, which I continue to do.

Wednesday, we travelled back to Havana, saying our goodbyes, though Pastor Julio would be going with us as he had business in town. We said goodbye to Raulito as well, as he was meeting his fiance' and had finished his work as our interpreter. I gave him my card and asked him to keep in touch as I felt we had developed a friendship over the past week. We ate lunch, then rested. Later I took a walk with Parks and we took a picture of a nearby statue of Don Quiote.

We had supper and then I went to bed around 10 p.m. Tomorrow we would leave early for the airport and our return home.

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